The Divine Gypsies
The idea of 'setting up' a band of kriyaban disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda to play traditional bhajans and Indian mantras came during the dark period of the so-called 'health pandemic', when, for many people, work decreased drastically and in the case of musicians, disappeared altogether. In cases like these, one either slips easily into depression, or one rolls up one's sleeves and, while waiting for better times, devotes oneself to future quality projects. In the specific case of the Divine Gypsies, the immense enthusiasm from the presentation of the project to the first recordings was a sign that the project itself was underpinned from the beginning by a special Energy.
The basic ideas on how to set up the first double CD on the figure of Lord Krishna sprang up out of the blue, unhindered; details and filings followed, as did the use of various instruments to enrich the performances. The result of this work is the fruit of the many years dedicated at various levels by the four members of the Band to the Self-Realization Fellowship's numerous musical projects for the Italian members, starting with the writing in 2015 of some Christmas Songs reinterpreted by Paramahansa Yogananda, to the new version in Italian in 2017 of the 61 Cosmic Chants composed by him, with the revision of the translations and their general musicality, the reformulation of the scores and the recording of the final pieces. In addition to these two official works, there are also the recording of numerous Indian bhajans in collaboration with the various Italian kirtan groups of the SRF and other musical works over the past 10 years.
A great help to the quality of the pieces recorded on the double CD dedicated to Sri Krishna came from the temporary collaborations of other disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda who, with their mastery and musicality, enriched the bhajans with their working 'instruments', such as the sitar, transverse flute, viola, cello and esraj. The intention of the Divine Gypsies is to be able to share the chants and mantras in a spirit of brotherhood with all sincere spiritual seekers, whatever their path to Truth. This fundamental concept is beautifully expressed by Paramahansa Yogananda in one of his intimate divine experiences and forms the inspirational basis of the Band.
Heavenly Spirit, we are traveling by many right roads to Thine abode of Light. Guide us onto the highway of Self-knowledge, to which all paths of true religious beliefs eventually lead.
The diverse religions are branches of Thy one immeasurable tree of truth. May we enjoy the luscious fruits of soul realization that hang from the boughs of scriptures of every clime and time.
Teach us to chant in harmony the countless expressions of our supreme devotion. In Thy temple of the earth, in a chorus of many-accented voices, we are singing only to Thee.
O Divine Mother, lift us on Thy lap of universal love. Break Thy vow of silence and sing to us the heart-melting melody of human brotherhood.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Celeste Spirito, noi percorriamo molti sentieri diversi e giusti per raggiungere la Tua dimora di Luce.
Guidaci sulla strada maestra della conoscenza del Sé, a cui conduce, infine, il cammino di ogni vera fede religiosa.
Le varie religioni sono i rami del Tuo unico, immenso albero della Verità.
Fa’ che possiamo assaporare i dolcissimi frutti della realizzazione spirituale, che maturano sui rami delle scritture
di tutti i tempi e di tutti i paesi.
Insegnaci a cantare in armonia le molteplici espressioni della nostra devozione più profonda.
Nel Tuo tempio della terra, in un coro di voci dai mille accenti, cantiamo solo per Te.
Madre Divina, sollevaci sul Tuo grembo universale.
Infrangi il voto del silenzio e canta per noi la struggente melodia della fratellanza umana.
Paramahansa Yogananda